Today is the last school day break for Cheeky & Manja. And frankly, I have again not make much of time for them. Manja spends most of his time with the bbsitter & all other children under her care while Cheeky was between tuition and swimming lessons. Yet, I am grateful for there are people around me who have been helping in the caring department, ensuring there isn't less love to spread in this family.
As the new year 2013 turns out, I am ever more busier with my day job and personal commitments. I took up some projects be it for my office or myself. If you are asking whether all these are worth it, I would say YES. How is this worth it? For the family, I am a provider, ensuring a roof above our heads. Sometime ago, I read a post on a family's financial hardship, that nothing was right for them, that their family was without choice and were left to defend for survival. I empathize for them. The comments that came along with the post were suggestive solutions, yet because of rage, nothing was pick up from the comments. The rage also causes others not to comment further. I was a side spectator, though empathize, but if suggestions are just by-passing, well, I'll just remain as a side spectator. Y being caught in cyber bullying? Not worth it. I'll just keep enjoying my latte instead.
Back to my worthy topic, reason no. 2, 'coz I am on a learning curve to handle adversity. They say if you stay stationary, you learn nothing, you do not progress. And soon you'll be by-pass by others who are willing to accept challenges and are willing to build a very very strong vault that no situation is able to shake their superiority. You become wiser with the experience gained. You practice wisdom of the wise.
I am lucky for I have great mentors guiding me. This personal development is slowly bearing fruit. What I have visioned my future no longer is a pipe dream, but getting closer and closer to the light. Which brings me to this movie:
I watched this movie last night with my kids (So I wasn't totally not spending time with them, eh??). The storyline was simple and easy to understand. It has somehow touch the simple meaning of if we remain in our comfort zone i.e. staying stationary, we'll become extinct soon.
The truth is situation and environment is always evolving, we can't ignore it. Ignorance is why your comfort zone is getting smaller and tighter. Ignorance of change equals limiting yourself. So why set the boundary? Why live in a cave?
I am glad I watched this movie. Its rated PG13 in Malaysia. You can refer to other sites for movie review. As for me, I'm going to purchase and keep it in my movie library once release and available in DVD. There are alot of great movies out there. But those with positive message and values are what I appreciate most. 'Coz these values are the very essence of what humans are supposed to be.
No cyber bullying. No road bullies. No bearing grudges for people moving ahead of you. Selfish people thought time will stop for them and every other people will have to wait for them to move before they do. Y should progress be deter?
If everyone is willing to put effort in making life better, don't you think heaven is on earth?
♥ ♥ ♥
** RM41,266.98.Life has been good to me ♥.
** To know my last balance, click here.